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Newcastle Aquatic Physiotherapy is Transitioning Online


Hello to all of our clients and friends,

We want to start by thanking our clients for their support with the changes to our practice over the last few weeks.

In light of the current conditions, Newcastle Aquatic Physiotherapy has made the difficult decision to close its doors to face-to-face consultations starting from tomorrow 1st April 2020 until further notice.

We believe it is the most appropriate and ethical decision for both our clients and staff to self-isolate and minimise as much contact as possible. We have transitioned to Telehealth to continue to provide quality care through online consultations. We will be using video conferencing software (Zoom) to for our one-on-one consultations. In terms of group classes, we will still be running our land-based classes through Zoom's group meeting feature. Our physiotherapists will be posting some exercises ideas for you to practice at home on our website over the next weeks.

If you are interested in a digital consultation with one of our physiotherapists, please email us on or call us on (02) 4955 0143 to speak to our staff to get started.


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