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Newcastle Aquatic Physiotherapy: Our Response to NSW Health Recommendations


This post has been created to update our clients response to the recommendations made by NSW Health Friday 24th July regarding the use of masks in hospital and community health settings.

Newcastle Aquatic Physiotherapy encourages our patients and clients to wear a mask where possible if receiving treatment or care within 1.5 metres. We ask that you bring your own but we will have a small supply of disposable masks available should you require one. Our team will be using masks where the 1.5 metre distance is not possible during care in addition to standard precautions. We ask that you continue to maintain hand hygiene practices and continue physical distancing where possible in the pool.

Patients and clients may wear cloth or medical masks to help reduce the spread of community acquired COVID-19. Other types of masks and respirators such as P2 or N95 are currently not recommended for use in the community. As per the current guidelines in Victoria, a cloth mask made of at least three layers of a mix of breathable fabric will provide the most appropriate protection.

We have provided some general guidelines for use of masks according to WHO, Department of Health Victoria and NSW Health below. We encourage you to follow the links above if you require any further information.

Wearing a cloth mask correctly:

Wearing a medical mask correctly:

For clients wishing to purchase a cloth mask for their protection, several Newcastle businesses provide masks available for purchase which have been compiled here by Newcastle Live.

Thank you to our clients for continuing to follow the NSW Health guidelines.


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